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How to use this Website?

This website is for medical and paramedical professionals working in the field of spinal cord injuries. It contains learning modules for the whole team as well as for doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, assistive technologists, social workers, psychologists and peer counsellors. The modules are intended for medical and paramedical students and junior clinicians. Others who have yet not assimilated sufficient knowledge on comprehensive management.


  1. AA : Alcoholics Anonymous
  2. ABC : airway, breathing,circulation
  3. AD : autonomic dysreflexia
  4. ADL : activities of daily living
  5. AIS : ASIA impairment scale
  6. ALS : advanced life support
  7. ANS : autonomic nervous system
  8. ASIA : American Spinal Injury Association
  9. ASP : aspiration
  10. ATLE : atelectasis
  11. ATLS : advanced trauma life support
  12. ATR : atrophy
  13. AV node : atrioventricular node
  14. A-VO2 : arterio-venous oxygen difference(A-VO2 difference)
  15. BLS : basic life support
  16. BMI : body mass index
  17. BRC : better resourced countries
  18. BSDI : Borg scale dyspnea index
  19. CcW : chest wall compliance
  20. CDC : Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.
  21. CHD : coronary heart disease
  22. CIC : clean intermittent catheterization
  23. CNS : central nervous system
  24. CO : cardiac output
  25. COMT : common object test
  26. COPD : chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  27. COPM : Canadian Occupational Performance Measure
  28. COTRR : contracture
  29. COX -2 : cyclooxygenase -2
  30. CSF : cerebrospinal fluid
  31. CT : computed tomography
  32. CUE : capabilities of upper extremity instrument
  33. DEFOYS : deformities
  34. DEXA : dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
  35. DEXT : dexterity
  36. DISH : diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
  37. DREZ : dorsal root entry zone
  38. DSD : detrusor sphincter dyssynergia
  39. DVT : deep vein thrombosis
  40. Dyn : dynamometer
  41. EEJ : electroejaculation
  42. ER : expiratory reserve
  43. ES : electrical stimulation
  44. FIM : Functional Independence Measure
  45. FRC : functional residual capacity
  46. FSH : follicle stimulating hormone
  47. FTG : fatigue
  48. FVC : forced vital capacity
  49. GRT : grasp and release test
  50. HO : heterotopic ossification
  51. HR : heart rate
  52. HRmax : maximum heart rate
  53. HS : hypersensitivity
  54. ICF : international classification of functioning
  55. ICSI : intra cytoplasmic sperm injection
  56. INCSCI : international standard for neurological classification
  57. IPA : independent/individual practice association
  58. IPPB : intermittent positive pressure breathing
  59. IPSC : induced pluripotent stem cells
  60. IRV : inspiratory reserve volume
  61. IT : intra thecal
  62. IUI : intrauterine insemination
  63. IVF :  in vitro fertilisation
  64. IVI : intravaginal insemination
  65. JHFT : Jebsen hand function test
  66. LH : luteinizing hormone
  67. LRC :  less resourced countries
  68. LV : lung volume
  69. MAOI :monoamine oxidase inhibitors
  70. MAS : modified Ashworth scale
  71. MBI : methylene blue instillation
  72. MESA : microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration
  73. MI :  myocardial infarction
  74. MMT : manual muscle testing
  75. MPI : Multidimensional Pain Inventory
  76. MPQ : McGill pain questionnaire
  77. MRI :  magnetic resonance imaging
  78. MVA :  motor vehicle accidents
  79. NA : nucleus ambiguous
  80. NEROS : nerve roots
  81. NEXUS :  the national emergency x- radiograph utilization study
  82. NGO :non government organization
  83. NMS : neurally mediated syncope
  84. NPT : negative pressure therapy
  85. NSAIDS : nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
  86. OT : occupational therapy
  87. P : percussion
  88. PALYSS : paralysis
  89. PD : postural drainage
  90. PE : pulmonary embolus
  91. PID : pelvic inflammatory disease
  92. PNS : parasympathetic nervous system
  93. pnthx,pnx,PTX : pneumothorax
  94. PSA : prostate specific antigen
  95. PSCIR : prospective spinal cord injury register
  96. PSEQ : pain self efficacy questionnaire
  97. PT : physiotherapy
  98. PTS : post traumatic syringomyelia
  99. PTSD : post traumatic stress disorder
  100. PU : pressure ulcer
  101. PVS : penile vibratory stimulation
  102. QCT : quantified computed tomogram.
  103. QIF : quadriplegia index of function
  104. QOL : quality of life
  105. RNA : ribonucleic acid
  106. ROM : range of movement
  107. RTA : road traffic accident
  108. RTC : road traffic crashes
  109. RV : residual volume
  110. SCI : spinal cord injuriy
  111. SCI-FAI : spinal cord injury functional ambulation inventory
  112. SCIM : spinal cord Independence Measure
  113. SCIRE : spinal cord injury rehabilitation evidence.
  114. SCIWORA : spinal cord injuries without radiographic abnormalities.
  115. SDR : selective dorsal rhizotomy.
  116. SF-36 : Short Form-36 General Health Survey
  117. SHFT : Sollerman hand function test.
  118. SIADH : syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone.
  119. SNS : sympathetic nervous system.
  120. SPASY: spasticity.
  121. SSR : surgical sperm retrieval.
  122. SSRI : selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
  123. SV : stroke volume.
  124. TBI: traumatic brain injury.
  125. TCA : tricyclic antidepressant
  126. THAQ : tetraplegia hand activity questionnaire.
  127. TLC : total lung capacity.
  128. TSCI : traumatic spinal cord injuries.
  129. TSH : thyroid stimulating hormone.
  130. TV : tidal volume.
  131. UNCRPD: United nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
  132. UTI : urinary tract infection.
  133. UV Radiation :ultra violet radiation.
  134. VT : tidal volume.
  135. VAS : visual analogue scale.
  136. VC : vital capacity
  137. VD : vasodilation
  138. VIBJ : vibration VO2 max 
  139. VS : vibrostimulation
  140. VTE : venous thromboembolism
  141. WISCI : walking index for spinal cord injury
  142. WUSPI : Wheelchair User’s Shoulder Pain Index
  143. ΒAR : beta-adrenergic receptors